duda-wsm • February 29, 2024

Vici for Stephan Huveneers!

After previously already obtaining the Veni and Vidi awards, Stephan is now awarded the prestigious Vici award from ZonMW: 1.5 million euros for excellent research from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). He will receive this Vici grant to develop an innovative research line over the next 5 years and to further expand his own research group.

With this Vici grant, Stephan aims to find ways to prevent blood vessel leakage during illness. Endothelial cells in the blood vessel wall are closely connected to each other via molecular connections. It has recently been discovered that so-called 'signals' ensure that these compounds maintain their strength, even if, for example, blood pressure changes. These cohesion-strengthening proteins protect the blood vessels, because the cells in the blood vessel wall remain connected to each other even under pressure.

However, in patients with vascular diseases, such as high blood pressure, these connections between the cells of the blood vessel wall become damaged and the blood vessels start to leak. Stephan and his team will study how endothelial cells respond to tension and stiffness. The knowledge gained is then used to look for ways to prevent blood vessel leakage during disease.

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